Hormonal BeautyHormonal Beauty

Hormones and dry skin


If you’re anything like me, the thought of hormones makes your skin crawl. But hormones are an important part of our bodies and the way they work on our bodies can have an effect on how we look and feel. In this article we’ll explore effect of hormone to your skin, why dry skin is more common in women than men, and how to get rid of it if necessary!

The Effect of Hormones on Your Skin

Hormones are chemical messengers that control many functions in the body. They affect our mood, energy levels and sleep patterns. Hormones also play a role in how we look and feel on the outside—our skin is no exception!

Hormones can have a big impact on your skin’s appearance and texture. For example:

  • When estrogen levels decrease after menopause or pregnancy (or if you take birth control pills), it may be harder for your skin to retain moisture because production of sebum has slowed down—which makes it more prone to dryness and irritation from sun exposure or other factors like wind or heatstroke

Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common problem that can be caused by effect of hormone and environmental factors.

Dry skin can be caused by cold weather, low humidity levels in your home or office and genetics.

Sudden Changes in Your Hormones

It’s not just the aging process that can cause dry skin. Effect of Hormone changes can also make your skin super-dry, too.

  • Hormonal changes can cause acne
  • Hormonal changes can cause eczema (eczema is a common skin condition that causes itching and redness)
  • Hormonal changes might even lead to psoriasis (a chronic disorder characterized by white or red patches on your body).

How Hormone Imbalance Affects Your Skin and What to Do About It

Hormone imbalance can cause dry skin, acne and other skin issues. It can also accelerate the aging process of your skin.

Dry Skin: When you are hormone imbalanced, you tend to have more oil production than normal and this causes dryness in the upper layers of your epidermis (the outermost layer). This causes congested pores that become inflamed and break out into spots or cysts on your face. It also makes it harder for other types of bacteria to grow in these areas because there isn’t enough moisture available for them to do so. This can lead back down into a vicious cycle where these whiteheads keep getting larger until eventually they burst open which then bleeds profusely adding even more redness onto those already inflamed cheeks!

Hormones can have a huge impact on your skin.

Hormones play an important role in your skin’s health. The body produces these hormones to regulate processes such as growth, metabolism and reproduction. When you have low levels of these hormones—known as hypogonadism—it can cause dry skin or acne.

In this article we’ll discuss how hormones affect the health of your skin and what you can do about it if you suspect that something is out of whack.

Any concerns ?  Seek medical advice

If you have been experiencing problems and you think they might be related to your hormones, it is important to talk to a doctor first. He or she can help you determine what the underlying cause might be and prescribe the best treatment for you.


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